Na klubski E-mail u ožujku stgla je sljedeća poruka:
I hope you can help me. I am trying to locate the crash site of an RAF Mustang aircraft which was shot down on 10th October 1944 somewhere near Ivanic Grad and Sisak. The pilot survived the crash although injured and was helped by the local people to evade the Germans and with help of the partisans eventually escaped back to Italy. I am hoping there may be a local historian or some old people in the area who remember the crash. The crash area was heavily wooded apart from a field which he aimed for.
The pilot is my father who is 87 now and in good health and still flying a Piper PA28.
I will be passing through your area in September this year on my way to Istanbul and plan to spend some time there if I can get some leads. I will be on a motorcycle trip from London to Capetown South Africa
I would be gratefull if you could circulate this message to anybody you think could help.
I hope you can help.
Best regards
Chris Mould